Thank you for visiting SkiTOPS, the leading membership organization for tour operators and suppliers in the mountain travel industry. Members return to SkiTOPS events year after year because of the inviting culture and the compelling value proposition.

Here are some of the main benefits of membership:


Tour Operator (Buyer) owners, general managers, travel managers and buyers. Tour Operator front line agents, trainers and copywriters.

Suppliers (Sellers) include: resorts, lodging, lift ticket, rental equipment, ground transportation and ancillary travel service sales directors and sales managers.

Host Location

Events are held in mountain travel destinations with easy access to the slopes.

Host Hotels

Negotiated rates are available at host hotels and lodgings.

Time Commitment

There is one event per year in the Spring which does not overlap other spring industry events. Typical time away from the office is 4-business days including travel.


SkiTOPS gives back to each host by supporting adaptive ski and snowboard programs or athletes in each host community. Members are welcome to participate too.

Network Appointments

Tour Operators must attend with two qualified buyers available for all Network days to take appointments.

Suppliers are guaranteed a meeting with every attending Tour Operator.

Attendance Requirement

Tour Operator members are required to attend the meeting each year to stay in good standing.

Supplier participation is optional.

Event Costs

Buyers, Sellers and Vendors pay the same event registration charges which are presently $600 per person.


Available at each event starting at $550.

Tour Operator (Buyer) Dues

Annual dues are $1,950 per company.

That includes two attendees to Network/University.


Tour Operators are encouraged to bring front line staff to attend training at University. SkiTOPS will pay up to $400 / agent to offset costs. Agents must participate in all training, site inspections and events to be eligible.

Suppliers have the option ($500 per 15 minute session) to train front line agents at the annual University event.


A networking ski-day is built into the agenda. Meals and activities are designed to build new and strengthen existing relationships. A non-ski program is available.


Most attendees receive complimentary lift tickets from the host resort.

Supplier (Seller) Dues

Annual dues are variable based on supplier size beginning at $1,600. And that includes one attendee to Network / University. Ninty percent of SkiTOPS supplier members pay this rate.

Ally Members

Any company that sells goods or services to both the Seller and Buyer members of SkiTOPS. Example: Software, Insurance, Advertising, etc. Details

SkiTOPS has a proud history and we hope you'll be part of our bright future. If you have questions, or would like more information about how to participate in an upcoming event, contact us for more information.

Sunny Regards,

Sara Clemons
Sellers Membership Chair

Rick Reichsfeld
Buyers Membership Chair